Thank you for participating in the Ohio Nurse Preceptor Development Program.
In conjunction with academic and practice partners in northeast Ohio, this program has been developed to provide supplemental resources to nurse preceptors who work with student nurses and newly licensed registered nurses (NLRN’s). This program is available free of charge during the 2 month study time frame (January 19, 2017 to March 19, 2017).
As a token of appreciation for your time, all preceptors who complete the “Ohio Nurse Preceptor Development Program” within the study time frame will receive, free of charge, 2.0 continuing education (CE) credits. Preceptors who complete the “Ohio Nurse Preceptor Development Program” and respond to the delayed post-test one month after completion of the program will be entered into a drawing for a free iPad Mini (estimated retail value $229.00).
Participation is voluntary. You will be asked to complete a pre-post-program survey instrument and delayed post-test survey one month after module completion. Each survey should take approximately thirty minutes, or less, to complete. There are minimal to no risks associated with participation in this study. If you chose to apply for continuing education credit and enter the drawing, you will be taken to an information page and will need to give your contact information including your name and email address for contact in the event you win the drawing and to fulfill continuing education criteria for documentation. Your name and email address will not be linked to any other data. Your responses will not be shared with other staff and all responses and information obtained will be held in strict confidentiality and securely maintained.
The preceptor development program will take approximately 2 hours to complete. Throughout the program, you will be guided through different pages that include course content and the pre and post program surveys. The program contains five chapters that will introduce you to the Ohio Nurse Competency Model and provide you with information about coaching for competence, clinical questioning, thinking like a nurse and evaluation strategies.
Clicking on the “Start Survey” button found below indicates voluntary consent to participate in this study. The survey will be completed using Qualtrics and your responses will be entered into Qualtrics and used in aggregate form only. The survey will ask questions related to your satisfaction with the program and your knowledge, skills and attitudes relating to working with nursing students and newly licensed registered nurses. You may exit the survey at anytime by closing your browser tab. By clicking on the "Start Survey" button below, you will be redirected to the Qualtrics site to begin the survey.
You must be a current nurse preceptor employed at University Hospitals or The MetroHealth System to participate. Participation in or lack of participation in the study will not, in any way, affect your employment status. Questions about this study can be directed to Tracy Parson at [email protected] or Tracey Galvin at [email protected]. Thank you for taking the time to assist me in this program evaluation.
By clicking on the "Start Survey" button, you are providing consent to participate.